Monday, March 28, 2005

Journalism outside newsrooms!

Is journalism all about mechanically generating a copy and getting in published in your newspaper/magazine or channel? Should a newsperson remain confined to the newsroom alone? The answer is always no, whenever I have posed this question to other friends and colleagues.
But the problems starts here. How many of us - from this profession ever bother to travel and gather experiences? For journalism or any other field that requires creativity and enriching and intense experience is what counts.
Well, I recently went to this place straight out of the Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider movies! Known as the Polo Jain temples, this place is located in Sabarakantha - the northern district of Gujarat (India).
The picture perfect ruins of the several centuries old Jain and Shiva temples, now engulfed by the greedy broad-leaved vegetation bear a testimony to what happens to all the icons that refuse to change with time - they turn into monuments!
Could this happen to people and professions too?
More about what I did last weekend soon!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The first step and the big leap!

Always fascinated by the way technology is changing our lives, thought it was about time to start crawling on the net.Here's the first attempt.

First step and the big leap!

Amazed by the speed at which technology grows, thought I might start crawling as well! So here is my first step.